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Ice House Trail Workers

Past Trail Work

April 7th 2024 Lower Telephone Trail Day

Woo-hoo! Goal accomplished! Lower Telephone is golden! 100% ready to shredy! Big thanks to everyone who helped us restore this awesome 2.5 miles of goodness!

Telephone 4-7-24

March 17th 2024 Lower Telephone Trail Day

A small group of us went up yesterday and did a little more work on Lower Telephone before mother nature chased us back down. Of course weather got better by the time we got down so we put in some work on the connector trail to icehouse ccc. At least that won't need any work for a long time.

Telephone 3-17-24

March 3rd 2024 Lower Telephone Trail Day

Great day on the mountain even with a small crew we knocked out a lot of treadwork. This amazing trail will once again be one of the favorites on the mountain. Combine this with Icehouse and you have yourself one killer gravity ride! Hopefully open soon!

Telephone 3-3-24

February 18th 2024 Lower Telephone Trail Day

We resumed work on Telephone a couple weeks back but this was the first public day of 2024. Big thanks to everyone who showed up to help us. Tanner/ the owner of TopoJoes came out to help us as well!


Telephone 2-18-24

December 17th 2023 Icehouse Trail Day

Wheew long day battling catsclaw and brush.. so last day and brushing work will be done.


November 26th 2023
Lower Telephone Trail Day

Today 4 of our crew leaders were up doing more corridor brushing on lower telephone. No public volunteers though . Either way their commitment and dedication shows. Another 1/2 mile opened up today! Still a 1/2 mile of hardwork to go and telephone will be brushed open 100%


November 12th 2023
Lower Telephone Trail Day

We have now start restoration work on lower telephone. 4 of us today. Overgrowth dense! We are a 1/4 of the way through opening up the corridor prepping it for tread and drainage work afterwards.


October 22nd 2023 Icehouse Trail Day

Huge day on icehouse canyon trail! 10 volunteers showed and gave their all! Big thanks! We started off cleaning the tread on the top mile we had already restored and recut. Then moved onto continuing the restoration work down the trail.

Icehouse 10-22-23

May 7th 2023 Six Shooter Trail Day

Great day on the mountain giving six shooter some love! Started the removal of winter downfall on Six Shooter

Sixer 5-7-23

April 16th 2023 Kellner Canyon Trail Day

Great day giving back. 2.9 miles is clear going up and 2.2 miles going down. Only a spot or two left to brush. Totally rideable or an enjoyable hike once again!!

Kellner 4-16-23-a

April 2nd 2023 Six Shooter Trail Day

Glutton for punishment. We returned to do some more erosion work. This concludes our initial restoration of lower six shooter. There is one semi rough section left but it's not too bad to navigate and you won't get lost. Back to kellner next sunday!

Six Shooter 4-2-23

March 26th 2023 Six Shooter Trail Day

What a day. The rest of the catsclaw has been grubbed out and only two areas that need lots of tread attention but other than that we are going to recommend that lower sixer is reopened!

Six Shooter 3-26-23

March 19th 2023 Six Shooter Trail Day

Wheew! It was quite the beat down again today. Over the last two days we grubbed out 1/2 mile of heavily overgrown trail. Hopefully the corridor will stay catsclaw free for a while as we went one step further than just trimming this painful nuisance. Thanks to all who helped!

Six Shooter 3-19-23-a

March 5th 2023 Six Shooter Trail Day

A handful of us made the trip out to pinal mountain today to see where we could work. Luckily the lower end of mountain was snow free! So we started work on lower six shooter brushing open the corridor. We were able to open up 1/2 mile of trail. Lots of cats claw and bushes removed with crazy stumps that have been just trimmed for years instead of grubbed out completely.

Going to take a small number of trail days to get the entire lower section restored and opened back up as its still currently closed and overgrown with all the pokies. There is also a large section that needs a reroute as mother nature erased a decent section after the fire

Six Shooter 3-5-23-a

Feb 26th 2023 NRA PIT Trail Day

Another day out putting work helping HTA with the construction of the new Jump line at the NRA Pit. Big thanks to those that showed up to help with the hand finish work! More progress was made with the machine. Big thanks to all the parties involved in bring this 20 year dream to life.

NRA 2-26-23-a

Feb 18th 2023 NRA PIT Trail Day

A nice group of us were back out at the old stomping grounds putting work helping HTA with the construction of the new Jump line at the NRA Pit. Big thanks to those that showed up to help with the hand finish work! 

NRA 2-18-23

Feb 12th 2023 Kellner Canyon Trail Day

When isn't a day in the Pinals a great day? Today 4 of us made the journey up kellner canyon trail to continue to brush open the corridor. Can't wait to do treadwork! Gonna be a sustainable hoot and holler! Climbing up isn't half bad either.

Kellner 2-12-23

Jan 29th 2023 Trail Day 198 connector and Kellner

Another wonderful day giving back and doing more work trailwork. We started off cleaning up the ice ccc connector from ccc to 112. Then we hiked up to start working our way up kellner. Weather was perfect. Views were stellar. Big thanks to our crew today.

Kellner 1-29-23

Jan 8th 2023 Trail Day 198 connector

Snow up higher so a few of us opted for some more 198 love. This section we worked today bypasses even more of the old road in favor of fast flowy ridge run towards the creek then spitting you back onto the road for 50yrd before splitting back off towards ice house ccc. See screen shot of upper end checkered 112 not much further is ice house ccc.


Dec 18th 2022: CCC connector Trail Restoration

Weather prevented us from working on Six Shooter so a couple of us spent the day re-opening the connector trail from Ice House CCC to Kellner. Keep in mind Lower telephone is closed past the turn to the connector. Use the connector to access Kellner or the old 4x4 road to access middle and upper Telephone Trail.

CCC connector 12-18-22-a

Nov 27th 2022: Six Shooter Canyon Trail Restoration

Another great day. 4 of us made it up a good bit further. Finally through the lower over growth sections and now on to just tread cleaning for next 1/2 mile going upward. More riders passed by towards the end of the day. Next work day we should be able to make it up another 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile which will put us at the bottom of dh after lookout/ top of hike a bike. Everything we've worked on so far is riding really good! Get some!


Nov 12th 2022: Six Shooter Canyon Trail Restoration

Awesome day on the mountain. 3 of us made it another .3 miles up sixer. Bottom is looking so tasty. We will continue our weekly events until Six Shooter has been spruced back up after summer monsoons and continuing fire erosion.


Oct 29th 2022: Six Shooter Canyon Trail Restoration

Just 3 of us for this trail day. We continued working on Six Shooter enjoying perfect weather.  Todays section was full of new encroaching cats claw which was removed with prejudice.

Sixer 10-29-22

Oct 16th 2022: Six Shooter Canyon Trail Restoration

Chris and James went out to start the process of getting Six Shooter back in shape from yet another record monsoon. As you can imagine between record rains and damage from the burned areas have once again wreaked havoc on the trail. While most of the trail is fine there is lots of overgrowth and some erosion to deal with as the mountain continues to create new water ways off the burnt areas within Six Shooter Canyon. 

Sixer 10-16-22

July 3rd 2022: Kellner Canyon Trail Restoration

Oh my! Today was a special day. It started off dragging ass from yesterday's exposed beat down as we made our way down kellner. Main mission was finding one of our awall rock bars as it going to be lonely with no company for a couple months. Since we were going down we loaded up with a few tools to grub out new growth on the way down and also tools to finish putting the final touches on yesterday's work.

Afterwards it was time to get back to laying out the future lollipop loop and roam the woods. During that fun we were treated to some of the most amazing views from the Pinals.

Kellner 7-4-22

June 11th 2022: Ferndale Trail Brushing #2

Well there was only 3 of us today so we again opted for ferndale. Temps were in the mid 80's and ferndale has had a complete haircut from top to sixer now. It's 100% free and clear now. Well till late monsoon when everything takes off like a rocket again

Kellner 6-11-22-a

May 22Th 2022: Kellner Canyon Trail Restoration Day #4

Wow! Long day on the Mountain. We had a group of 9 today and quickly made hast down to the start of today's work from the first gate on Kellner. We are happy to report that despite losing a small handful of volunteers we still knocked out 1.5 miles of trail work. Today's work mainly was focused on clearing the trail from overgrowth, debris, deadfall and cleaning drains. Lots of work still to be done in sections and where the trail crosses drainages but overall as it is they are passible and distinguished until we can get back later in the summer to start doing tread repair where needed. We also have approx 4 miles left to work. Numerous trees were removed up top and by a couple of our volunteers who volunteered to make the 4 mile journey down to remove and cut what they could.

Huge thanks to those who came out today! We killed it!

Kellner 5-22-22-b

May 7Th 2022: Kellner Canyon Trail Restoration Day #3

Wheew! Yesterday was such a great day. Temps are on the rise but that didn't stop 9 of us from putting in some serious work to ensure that this section of trail will not be a continued mess every time we have a big rain. Part of that entailed re-creating the tread but this time we moved it up onto the hillside and out of the badly eroded drainage where trail was. We also started base work for the next section which was worse off than this main section pictured in most of the pics.

Huge thanks to our dedicated volunteers! without you this wouldn't be possible!

Kellner 5-7-22

Saturday & Sunday April 16-17th 2022: Icehouse Trail Restoration 

This past weekend a small group of us went up to work on Icehouse both days. We worked on the upper switchback turns and cleaned last years work of winter debris. The top mile of Icehouse is looking better than ever!

Icehouse 4-17-22

Sunday March 27th 2022-Six Shooter trail work.

Today 4 of us went up and decided to work on Six Shooter some more. Improving drains on the upper portion of the trail to increase sustainability and make sure the current drains can withstand heavy rains and run off for the rest of the season without needing cleaning.

Big thanks to our volunteers this weekend!

Sixer 3-27-22

Saturday March 19th 2022-Six Shooter Restoration.  

Two of us went up to make sure we could hike down for tomorrow's trail day. We made it down 1mile to telephone junction cleaning tread and cutting out trees. 1 mile left!

Upper sixer 3-19-22

Saturday March 5th 2022-Six Shooter Restoration. (TGR event)

Awesome day on the mountain! A few of our core members went up to put in some work to prep for our 4th public event on Six Shooter this Year. We Made great progress. Bottom 2.5 miles are in excellent shape right now. A little rough around the edges but restored and ready for another pass later in the season to really whip it into shape before the closure ends. Big thanks to our crew today. 7.5 hrs of hardwork from each of our volunteers.

Six Shooter march 2022

Saturday February 12th 2022-Six Shooter Restoration. #2

Fantastic day. So much progress minus a couple trees the lower 2.2 miles to the bridge is looking mighty fine! Cleaned up our drains and worked the second drainage crossing going up. Biggest accomplishment was rebuilding a section of trail that was erased in a very steep portion of the trail. Huge thanks to our crew today who gave 150% ! Six Shooter will be restored in no time! Then on to pickup where we left of on Icehouse.


Sunday January 23rd 2022-Nra Pit Mesa Maintenace.

Awesome day ! Today we went out and started the revamp of the NWO line at the NRA PIT. One of many days to come fixing up this tech line. Big thanks to our volunteers!!


Saturday Dec 18th 2021-Kellner Canyon Trail Restoration

Not many pictures from Saturday's work! Winter temps have set in deep. Lots of hard work digging in frozen dirt. Even the rocks sitting on the ground were frozen in place. With another storm coming this week this will conclude work in the upper reaches of the mountain until temps raise enough to thaw out the ground.

Workdays for a bit will be on sixshooter from the bridge upwards until it is also frozen out. Keep an eye on the January 1st event. We will postpone it if this weeks storm drops more than a dusting of snow on the mountain.

Kellner freezing

Saturday Dec 4th 2021-Kellner Canyon Trail Restoration

today's work on kellner. Lost a good number of volunteers today to sickness and such so we opted out of hiking down ice house to work to increase our productivity by hiking a much shorter distance down kellner. Lots of work will be needed in the first mile as most of the trail is within the drainage and the drainage expanded into the trail for most of the intial length. Restoration work will focus on moving the trail up out of the drainage and install steps and lots of water drainage features to mitigate future high flow periods. 

Kellner steps 1

Sunday Nov 7th 2021-Ice House  Canyon Trail Restoration

Another day on the books. Big thanks to our volunteers today! We are approx halfway to Telephone junction. We will be working from here making our way down towards telephone on Dec. 4th. Check out the event for more details. Next weekend will be our first Kellner Canyon Productive hike.

Ice House Midway

Saturday Oct 23rd 2021-Six Shooter Canyon Trail Productive Hike

Tons of hiking today for 5 of us. We made our way down Six Shooter to get first eyes on the damage left by the fire and record monsoon rains. We made our way dawn from Ferndale to the top of the mid point climb. Tons of deadfall removed and some drain/tread wash outs fixed. Thanks to all that showed today

Catie Austin Sixer

Saturday Oct 16th 2021 Ice House Canyon Trail Productive Hike

Todays Productive hike on Ice House Canyon Trail was a success! As you can tell from the pictures Ice House has for the most part made it through the fire with very little damage. Everything was just as we left it and all our hard work earlier in the season is holding up beautifully. We were able to clean some drains and we continued working where we left off in May . We only encountered one area on our hike down where a spot fire burned a small area but left the trail corridor alone and burned some tools we had stashed off trail. Hopefully tomorrow we will get eyes on the rest of Ice House.


SATURDAY, May 8th, 2021 
Ice House Trail maintenance

Wow such a beat down today. We did some easy tread clean up to get warmed up and moved down to one of the most notoriously bad spots where the tread was gone. For a biker there was barely enough dirt on a root to jump past the mess but for the less technical and any other user group it was let's say it was #$&% haha . Needless to say 4 of us spent the better part of the day fixing that spot up to handle all the traffic 2wheeled or 4 legged.. tons of rocks moved today. Big thanks to those who continue to give their time to make the Pinal's better for all.

Volunteer Worker

SUNDAY, April 10th-11th, 2021 
Ice House Trail Maintenance

A group of us went up for a weekend of working and then enjoying the fruits of or labor.  A ton of work was put into re-establishing tread on upper Ice House. It was a great weekend. 

Ice House Trail Crew

SATURDAY, March 20th, 2021 AT 9:30 AM MST – 4:30 PM 
Six Shooter Trail Maintenance

Wow was a warm one today. We brushed open 1/2 mile of trail today with almost no shade in sight. Cant believe how overgrown the trail was from the check dam/sixer junction to the ccc. On another note we are over half way done with the segment below the road to icehouse ccc. Thanks again folks! Not many pictures as trimming is boring lol. .83 miles from ccc up now clear and clean.

Loaded Evoc Bag

SATURDAY, February 13th, 2021 
Six Shooter Trail Maintenance 

Great day 5 of us went up to finish off the lower 1.25miles. Moving upward next round. Big thanks to our crew today! Corridor trimming finished, drains cleaned and some tread-work was done.

Hard working shortbus

Six Shooter Trail Maintenance

1st official trail maintenance day. Unfortunately this event is already at max due to covid guidelines and is closed. Keep tuned for future days with openings to join in as there will be plenty of opportunity to do your part to support this movement.

Big Group

SATURDAY, January 23rd, 2021 
Iron Goat Feature Build

Some TGR folks out doing work with HTA folks to add some more smiles on a portion of Iron Goat! We were able to add some progressive fun for those craving some air. It Was An Awesome day!


March 30th 2024 Lower Telephone Trail Day

The weather gave us a clear window last Saturday! So two of us went up to continue to make headway on telephone. One more good trail day with a few good hands and we should be done with our lower telephone restoration!

Telephone 3-30-24

March 10th 2024 Lower Telephone Trail Day

Another fantastic beautiful day on Pinal Mountain with 5 other volunteers. Big thanks to everyone who came out despite Sedona Bike Fest being this weekend. We knocked out a ton of work!

At the end of the day a couple of us went up to the junction with icehouse to see what's left and how the trail looked being cleared of deadfall. Looked great but lots of debris from deadfall removal to be cleaned up still.

I think we will have it 100% clean in two more traildays. The ride down what we have already done was pure bliss!

Telephone 3-10-24.jpg

February 25th 2024 Lower Telephone Trail Day

We are making great progress on our 2nd pass going up lower telephone. We had another great group and are already up 1 mile from RD112. Keep an eye out on our FB volunteer page for upcoming events.


December 30th 2023 Icehouse Trail Day

Woo-hoo!! Bobby and myself went out yesterday with the goal of finishing the brushing work on lower Telephone. I'm happy to report we made it to the junction with Icehouse! The top 1/2mile to icehouse does have numerous trees down and the first 1/4mile going up icehouse also has lots of deadfall. Hopefully now that you can find Telephone once again our FS guys can get back to finish up clearing the deadfall we couldn't and get both Icehouse and lower telephone reopened spring 2024.

Huge thanks to all that helped. Took approximately 2.5 months for us to do all the brushing work that was required to unbury this gem.


December 3rd 2023 Icehouse Trail Day

Wheew! What a day! We had a good sized crew and fs support with the chainsaw. Tops Joe's supplied today's shuttle for our volunteers and it was an adventure today. We started off riding down 1mile in lots of white fluffy stuff and then we proceeded to kick butt all day cleaning tread. Lots of raking, moving trees and removing loose rock and debris from the tread. We even did lots wrestling of black pipe to make it impede on the trail less than direct center..grr.. anyways after we made 1/2 mile of progress it was time to head down. Which brings us to part 2 of the adventure ha. We climbed over through under lots of deadfall and overgrowth on telephone to finally get to all the clean trail reaping rewards for the 1.8 miles of telephone we already fixed up!

Huge thanks to our volunteers, our fs companions and Topo Joe's!

After getting full eyes on what's left to open icehouse and lower telephone will take around 4 more days of brushing.


November 19th 2023
Lower Telephone Trail Day

Another great day on the mountain. We hit a jungle today haha but it got through it and are making great progress with our brushing work on lower Telephone. We can't wait until we are done with brushing and get to do real treadwork. Definitely gonna be a new favorite when combined with icehouse! We are almost halfway up but only 1/4 through the work left to get this brushed open.


November 5th 2023 Icehouse Trail Day

Some pictures from today. Was only 3 of us but we got almost another 1/2 mile done. Next few traildays will incorporate a shuttle. We are done hiking up after busting butt all day lol. 1.5 miles and 1200ft of gain to get out.

Icehouse 11-5-23

May 21st 2023 Six Shooter Trail Day

After a beatdown at sunrise yesterday 4 of us decided we still had enough in us to tackle Six Shooter today. The goal was to remove as much of the not so fun deadfall from the trail. Running on empty towards the end of the day we were able to push through some sucky clusters. Needless to say our tanks were below empty when we got down to the bottom.

The good news is Six Shooter is as good as its going to get right now until we return when the weather is good or prior to fall riding season. Right now there are only 3 big trees to get over. Everything else is good. Expect typical early season loose rock and debris.

Get some!!

Sixer 5-21-23

April 28-30th 2023 Annual Campout

A great weekend spent in the Pinal Mountains camping out enjoying the weather, the company and the fruits of our labor! Huge thanks to everyone that showed up! Everyone kicked but also doing some more trailwork on Kellner. It is tree free but still has two sections of choked trail thats not as bad as most of the other areas we brushed open. Free and clear going down to around the 3 mile mark. It's tough getting to the middle but we will get there haha. But as of now we are retreating from the exposed heat and returning to work on Six Shooter next week.


April 9th 2023 Kellner Canyon Trail Day

Wheew! Temps are rising! Another good bit of work on Kellner. Getting a lot closer to having Kellner brushed out. BIG Thanks to today's crew!

Kellner 4-9-23

April 1st 2023 Six Shooter Trail Day

Lots of hard work today! Big thanks to Daniel and Kirstin for coming out. Last pictures are prior. We are a few steps closer to having lower sixer fixed up. Later this year we will do treadwork but for now the goal was to open up the corridor and take care of the bad sections that are safety hazards. Gotta get back to kellner and six shooter.

Six Shooter 4-1-23

March 25th 2023 Six Shooter Trail Day

Awesome day! Started the process of fixing the biggest trouble area on lower sixer. Lots of work left. 

Six Shooter 3-25-23-a

March 12th 2023 Six Shooter Trail Day

5 of us continued to tackle the mess that is lower six shooter. Just shy of a mile cleaned up over the last 2 traildays..we have 2 more traildays and it will be good to go! Hopefully after that we can get the fs to open it back up!

Six Shooter 3-12-23-a

March 4th 2023 NRA PIT Trail Day

Great day out at NRA instead of destroying trails in Sedona we were building for the future and creating more smiles per mile with all of today's volunteers. So much dirt moved today! Huge shout out to everyone who came out today!!!

NRA 3-4-23-a

Feb 25th 2023 NRA PIT Trail Day

Again we had a good group of out putting work helping HTA with the construction of the new Jump line at the NRA Pit. Big thanks to those that showed up to help with the hand finish work! Lots of progress was made as we were able to get machine time to make the final push on machine cut features.

NRA 2-25-23-a

Feb 19th 2023 Kellner Canyon Trail Day

Another awesome but different day on the mountain. Opened 1/3rd mile of trail. Making progress going up kellner. We are also now 2/3 done with kellner canyon restoration as we've already done the upper 1/3rd .

Huge thanks to those the came out to help open Arizona's best dh trails. Kellner is a great route up also.

Kellner 2-19-23

Feb 5th 2023 Kellner Canyon Trail Day

The work continues! We are making good progress opening the corridor on kellner canyon trail. Big thanks to our volunteers today!

Kellner 2-5-23

Jan 22nd 2023 Trail Day 198 connector

Today we had a light crew as we weren't sure weather conditions would be good. Anyways the Connector from ice house ccc to kellner completely open now. So much catsclaw removed. This connector is a much better alternative to the old 4x4 road.

Kellner 1-22-23

Dec 31st 2022: Six Shooter Trail Day

Another awesome day on pinal mountain yesterday. Perfect way to close out the year! Sixer is mostly tree free again. We are up 3 miles from the bottom now.

Sixer 12-31-22-a

Dec 11th 2022: Six Shooter Canyon Trail Restoration

Another awesome day on Six Shooter. Huge thanks to the 6 other volunteers today! we made lots of progress! We are up 2.4 miles and it's looking great and the ride is amazing!!

Sixer 12-11-22-a

Nov 20th 2022: Six Shooter Canyon Trail Restoration

Absolutely perfect day on Six shooter trail. We made it up another 1/2 mile. 1.7 miles of six shooter is in prime shape! It was great to see 14 mountain bikers out enjoying one of Arizona's finest trails.


Nov 6th 2022: Six Shooter Canyon Trail Restoration

Awesome day on the mountain today! Big thanks to the 7 volunteers who came out to celebrate dirt church on a Sunday giving Six Shooter some love. Bottom mile is now looking very good! Lots of brushing and grubbing to open up the corridor. We also cleaned and fixed up more drains than I could keep track of. Again huge thanks to our volunteers! You kicked butt!

Sixer 11-6-22

Oct 23rd 2022: Six Shooter Canyon Trail Restoration

A small crew continued the work on Six Shooter. Weather wasn't treating us kindly so work was cut short. We continued to remove catsclaw and fix monsoon damage.

Sixer 10-23-22

Sept 3rd 2022: Six Shooter Canyon Trail Restoration

Big thanks to everyone who came out and endured the heat today. Tons of overgrowth and nuisance plants were remove. Lots of work to put in still but overall not too bad minus a few blow outs and the deadfall of large diameter trees.

Sixer 9-3-22 -a

July 2nd 2022: Kellner Canyon Trail Restoration

Great day on Kellner Canyon! We had some new faces today and work was put in! Big thanks to today's volunteers!! The last big work section on the upper mile has been worked! Temps got a bit warm and the overcast eluded us until after we had finished. Afterwards decided to go flag more up the upper loop

Kellner 7-2-22-a

May 29th 2022: Ferndale Trail Brushing #1

Due to a low number of volunteers with the increasing temps we decided to divert our efforts to Ferndale Trail. As you can imagine a year with no user traffic or maintenance has left Ferndale resembling a jungle. We were able to clean up about half of Ferndale. Growth was thick!

Kellner 5-28-22-a

May 14Th 2022: Kellner Canyon Trail Restoration 

Lost a number of heads today but that didn't stop 3 of us from killing it. We are pretty close to having the top 1/2 mile rebuilt to last.. Temps are on the rise! We will be retreating to icehouse for trailwork in June.

Our last Kellner trailday till August is scheduled is May 22nd which will be a strictly brushing/clearing corridor trailday to get as much of Kellner clear as possible leaving treadwork till moisture returns.

Kellner 5-14-22-a

APR 22 AT 7 PM – APR 24 AT 5 PM
2022: Kellner Canyon Trail Restoration Days #1 & #2 Campout Weekend

Wow where to start! Well first things first! HUGE thanks to all the volunteers that came out! This weekend's campout/ Kellner Canyon Trail Restoration went off without a hitch. We have been doing these campouts for many years and its always great when we continue to get great turn outs for these events.

Saturday we had 14 smiling volunteers and Sunday we had 6 that still had enough in them to knock out another large section of tread restoration. 174 volunteer hours logged this weekend on Kellner!

The Telegraph Fire and post fire flooding did a good job of pretty much erasing the upper mile of Kellner and it was looking really bad.

Thanks to the hard work from our volunteers we have restored 1/3rd of the upper portion of the trail. Lots of work has gone into re-establishing the tread and building it in such a way to mitigate future erosion issues from heavy rains. For those that know the upper mile has always been a chunk fest that wasn't fun for most that used the trail and was always prone to heavy erosion.

We are well on our way to solving those issues as we built up tread out of the drainage and also worked on the drainage in the canyon to keep it from washing out the trail.

Anyways we would like to thank all of those who gave up their free time to help us restore one of the many great trails on Pinal Mountain!


We can't wait until the Fire Closure ends and everyone gets a chance to enjoy TGR's hard work and dedication to this restoration project.

than ever!

Kellner 4-24-22

Saturday April 9th 2022: Icehouse Trail Restoration #2

Today 4 of us went up and Worked Icehouse canyon. Improving tread to increase sustainability. Big thanks to our volunteers this weekend!

Icehouse 4-9-22

Saturday March 20th 2022-Six Shooter Restoration.  #5

Yesterday was a great day between Sat and Sun we cleaned and cleared the top 2 miles of Six Shooter. We had 8 volunteers for today and one group made the push to get the downed trees and debris cleared from the tread. At this point the major work has been done on Six Shooter. Future work will be to improve the tread throughout and improve drainage for the long haul.

Big thanks to our volunteers this weekend!

Sixer 3-20-22

Saturday March 12th 2022-Six Shooter Restoration. #4 

Super awesome long day yesterday. Also super tiring lol. Huge thanks to the 12 volunteers that showed up to help us make that push to the 3 mile mark. Trees were cut out, a few big drainage and tread issues fixed and lots of trail creep cut out.

Big washout fixed

Saturday February 19th 2022-Six Shooter Restoration. #3

Awesome work by our crew this weekend! It was a beat down! All the creek crossing are now fixed up and the lower 1.8 miles is looking great. Another two workdays and we should be able to move onto Icehouse to finish where we left off before winter crept in on us. As always big thanks to our dedicated volunteers! You folks rock!


Saturday January 29th 2022-Six Shooter Restoration. #1

Awesome day ! Great start to another year in the Pinals! Today a good portion of our time was spent fixing one of the lower creek crossings and re-establish tread where mother nature decided to use it for drainage. Big thanks to those that showed up! To those who didn't next time


Saturday-Sunday January 1st-2nd 2022-Nra Pit Mesa Maintenace.

Some pictures from today's hard work down in Mesa at the NRA pit which is TGR's 1st love. A place where lots of our crew have spent tons of time over the last 17 years building for the future. A deep soaking and a snow covered Pinal Mountain gave us the perfect chance to get out and use that deep soaked hero to do some work that will last.

Big thanks to the only two riders out of like 30 that stopped and asked if the could help us today.

Also a big thanks as always to our dedicated volunteers who continue to show that volunteers can make a difference!


Sunday was a smaller crew of two and more work was done this time the S-berm got some love. Pictures here

Nra doubleberm2

Saturday Dec 12th 2021-Kellner Canyon Trail Restoration

Today 3 of us continued to make progress on Kellner Canyon Trail. We continued where we left off last workday and restored another 60-70ft of badly damaged trail. 

Kellner steps 2

Saturday Nov 13th 2021-Kellner Canyon Trail Productive Hike

Today 3 of us hiked down kellner 2.5 miles to get eyes on the work ahead of us and work a few sections plus remove as much deadfall as we could. Overall its in ok shape..the top rocky section is pretty tore up but fixable. Everything else down has none to moderate damage but looks better than sixer so far.


Sunday Oct 24th 2021-Six Shooter Canyon Trail Productive Hike

Good grief. Another super long hard day spent logging out Six Shooter. Unfortunately I am sad to report that Six Shooter went from the Best its been in ages to the absolute worst shape we have ever seen it. Don't worry it will take a ton of work but we are up to it!


Sunday Oct 17th 2021- Ice House Canyon Trail Productive Hike

Two of us went up today to do some more work and get eyes on the rest of Ice House. Lots of work to do. Also there are about a dozen trees down from mid point down. While the fire did very little damage record rains really did a number to a few sections.

Fall 2021

MAY 15th - MAY 16th
Campout/Trail Work Weekend

Join us as we make our way down Six Shooter from the top. We will work to the base of the HAB then hike back up getting things we may have passed. Depending on the number of us this may be one of the last cleanup days on sixer. There will be other Six Shooter trail days where we will continue to recut the bench in areas below the HAB on the downside.

Anyways pants, sturdy shoes and plenty of fluids/snacks required.

Weather wise it will be mid May so temps are on the rise. Long sleeves would be good to protect you from the sun. But hopefully we will be enjoying cooler temps and shade in the upper reaches.

We will meet at the Six Shooter parking lot next to Ferndale spring. From there we will hike/work our way down.

Sunday will be a fun-day with lots of riding!

Come campout or join for the day!

Upper Six Shooter sign

SATURDAY, May 1st, 2021
AT 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Ice House Trail Maintenance

Another fantastic day on the mountain. Icehouse got tons of love today.

Ice House Trail Sign

SATURDAY, MARCH 13th, 2021
AT 9:30 AM  – 4:30 PM 
Six Shooter Trail Maintenance


Weather is moving in on us for Saturday. Dress accordingly as the high for around the parking spot will be 45 brrr. Low around 36. Chance of moisture only around 20% during our time frame.

I am also thinking about working from the road down towards Ice House ccc. That way we are less likely to get caught in Mountain weather at the lower altitude. Plus if mother nature gets grumpy we would be much closer to the vehicles. Another plus is the lower section will be hero dirt opposed to the dry hard pack it was already.

We will take a vote after the morning meeting and we can judge the weather's behavior.

I understand if anyone wants to take a rain check .  

Six Shooter Trail Sign Lower

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27th, 2021 AT 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM 
Six Shooter Trail Maintenance

Okay we have some room for a few volunteers for another maintaince day on Six Shooter. Possibly more depending on how many crew leaders are available. We will be hiking in approx. 3/4 of a mile to work area and working upward. We will be trimming corridor, fixing tread trouble areas , Removing cats claw and fixing/cleaning drains as needed.

Pants, Sturdy Shoes, eye protection ,plenty of food/water and of course some sort of face covering are required. I will have a few extra masks with me just in case.

We will be meeting around 9:30 for our morning meeting and hiking up shortly thereafter. Plan to be on trail for the entire duration so pack accordingly.

Six Shooter Sign Lower.jpg

SUNDAY, February 7th, 2021 
Iron Goat Feature Build

Last feature build on Iron Goat was a hit so a few of us were invited back out to work with the Hawes Trail Alliance to add some more smiles and safe progressive features. We built a two in one


SATUDAY, January 10th, 2021 
Six Shooter Recon/trail evaluation

Today a few of our group went up to get current recon of Six Shooter for our up coming trail maintenance day. Myself and another rode/HAB up from the bottom while a couple others rode down.. as to be expected there are multiple trees down that need moved/cut and a good section or two that needs re-benched.

Overall its still good enough to have a great ride on now if your not scared of super skinny exposed single track - .

Lots of corridor cleaning and cats claw reaching out into the trail that needs removal.

Picture is one of the worst spots that is going to take a good deal of work to fix up and protect from mother nature when normal precipitation returns.

   Thanks to Daniel Keeme Austin Davis and Catie Hoekstra for help doing recon today!

Can't wait for our trail day!

Sixshooter spring
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